Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hunting in wisconsin the #4 ranked state in the nation

After this year we'll be lucky to be ranked 50th. In 24 years of hunting this is the worst year ever. The DNR really has a problem with counting the deer population after the last ten years or so of killing as many does as we possibly were allowed, believing what the DNR have told us hunters that we have plenty of deer we pretty much have killed the population. What do the animal activists have to say about that? I love hunting but am now pretty much obligated to give up hunting to save it for the future my children and other hunters children. Something we entrusted to the wildlife biologists and they can't even get that right. If anything I believe that the turkey population is out of control if anything we should be allowed to shoot them all. I am a very disappointed hunter. When i first started hunting it was nothing to see sixty deer a day all week long wouldnt that be great. I don't ever think its going to happen again but it would be nice. The lesson here is manage the deer yourself at least then we may always have a deer population. One other thing the DNR need to stop worrying about chronic waisting disease its been around for 50 years first found in elk but out west they didn't go and kill the population of elk also its never spread to a human thru elk or deer so what are they worried about save the deer get rid of the dnr not really but you get the idea. SAFE HUNTING and GOOD LUCK.