Monday, July 6, 2009

Dam Project

It really bursts my bubble that you can have a pond drained for two years, and knowing that your going to fix retaining walls at a later date, why not have contractors come in bid on project or at least get an idea of what they may have to deal with. Why didn't the city of marion take pictures of the retaining walls to show contractors what they were dealing with. My other question is for Lunda Shame on you, Why didn't you put any type of rebar in the wall with the dam in it. especially with a state hwy across it. Thanks for nothing. The people of Marion put hard earned money into restocking their little mill pond, with fish once again to become a popular fishing spot and not only that the Lions Club has lost a lot of support or funds from not being able to hold its annual fishing derby. The money they raise goes for all types of people and projects to help communitites that are in need. Hope this is a learning experience for this and other communities if draining something take pictures of everything and if hiring contractors get these pictures to them. Thanks.

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